• Register for free at all Aeon Citimart stores.
  • With over 10,000VNĐ in each invoice would convert into 1 point
  • For every 250 points (> = 2,500,000 VND) customers receive gift vouchers worth 50,000 after the 10th of each quarter
  • Get more gift voucher worth 100,000 after the 10th of each quarter when points reached 600 points / month (> = 6.000.000d).
  • Get rewarded when points reach 1000 points in a year (> + 10,000,000)
  • From 1000 - 1999 points gift receive vouchers 150,000 VND
  • From 2000 - 2999 points gift receive vouchers 250,000 VND
  • From 3000 - 3999 points gift receive vouchers 350.000 VND
  • From 4000 points or more receive voucher 450,000 VND
  • 10% Discount on Birthday (except for the promotions, wholesale, wine, beer, cigarettes)
  • Duplicate points accumulated on the 20th and 30th of each month. (except for the promotions, wholesale, wine, beer, cigarettes)



  • Customers are individuals at least 18 years old, have a valid identification document, not limited in capacity for civil acts.


  • Please bring your ID card to our customer service counters and register for FREE. Your can have your card immediately and use it.
  • If you lose your card, please contact our customer service to give you a new one. Your points from the old cards will remain the same and transfer to the new cards.


  • When paying please bring the card or read the phone number to the Cashier.
  • Point will be automatically accumulate to the system.


1. How do we calculate your membership points?

250 points can be exchange for every 50.000VND gift cards
Minus points will increase if the customers received gift cards each month and will be shown in the receipt after the 10th of each month.

2. Can I save my points until the end of the year?

Points will be accumulated from January to December of each year.
If you don’t receive gift cards every month, you can save all the points to receive the rewards at the end of the year.

3. How do I change my information on my membership card?

Customers can go to the customer service counters of all the Aeon Citimart supermarket's branch for guidance.

4. What makes hotline ordering convenient?

Order our produces through hotline to help customers be proactive on shopping time, we are happy to provide any information on specific produce. With flexible delivery times, fast, quick, daily shopping has never been easier.
Call the hotline 39291068 to explore!!

5. What if I was not happy with the products I bought?

Please contact us directly.

6. How do I buy wholesale products?

Customers can contact our wholesale center: Road 7, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7. Phone No. :08 54,334,527